
Daniel Stejskal

U Pivovaru 1

586 01 Jihlava

Czech Republic

Mobile phone:

+420 728 074 501


Umělecká tvorba Rydlo


Last update 11/2018

About me

I have liked woodworking since my childhood. When I was a child, my first products were ships made of bark.

When I had to chose my profession, my choice was simple – a cabinetmaker. I did this nice profession for ten years, but my hobby woodworking has finally won in my heart.

Now, I have had my privite workshop for thirteen years, I made tailored products: relief decorations, sculptures, statues and statuettes, sculptures into habitacks, carved butts of hunting arms, carved doors and ceilings, etc. I also go in for independent work, especially carving into bones, production of hunting sticks and carved pipes, etc.

Dřevořezání v Třešti Moje lesní dílna Práce na soše
Preparation work The forest workshop Work on the statue